Ana de Barros, PhD,  managing science editor—

Ana holds a PhD in immunology from the University of Lisbon and worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Instituto de Medicina Molecular (iMM) in Lisbon, Portugal. Ana was awarded two FCT fellowships and has won the Portuguese Immunology Society Best Paper and Best Poster award in 2009 and 2010, as well as the CESPU International Research Award in 2010. After leaving the lab to pursue a career in science communication, she served as the director of science communication at iMM Lisbon.

Articles by Ana de Barros

ADI Reports on the Impact of Dementia on Women

In a recent report published by Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI), titled “Women and Dementia: A global research overview,” researchers reported on key findings regarding the main topics affecting women in relation to dementia from an international viewpoint. In the report, the ADI examined the gender effect in women living with dementia; women caring for people with dementia in a professional caring role; and…

Major Discovery May Alter Thinking on Alzheimer’s Disease

Investigators at the Blancette Rockefeller Neurosciences Institute (BRNI) recently discovered that the most significant genetic risk factor associated with Alzheimer’s disease, the Apolipoprotein E4 (ApoE4) gene, leads to a decrease in brain synapses, which occurs frequently prior to the onset of amyloid plaques or tangles developing in Alzheimer’s patients. This discovery may alter the…