Marisa Wexler, MS, senior science writer —

Marisa holds a Master of Science in cellular and molecular pathology from the University of Pittsburgh, where she studied novel genetic drivers of ovarian cancer. Her areas of expertise include cancer biology, immunology, and genetics, and she has worked as a science writing and communications intern for the Genetics Society of America.

Articles by Marisa Wexler

Older Adults Aware of Alzheimer’s, But Know Little About Aduhelm

Although the vast majority of older Americans are concerned about Alzheimer’s disease, most are unaware of Aduhelm (aducanumab), the recently approved treatment for the disease, according to a survey study. “The contrast between older Americans who were very concerned about developing Alzheimer’s disease and those that actually knew…

Nuplazid Resubmitted for FDA Approval for Psychosis in Alzheimer’s

Acadia Pharmaceuticals has resubmitted an application to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) seeking approval of Nuplazid (pimavanserin) for hallucinations and delusions associated with psychosis in Alzheimer’s disease. The announcement from Acadia comes less than a year after the FDA rejected the company’s original application…

UsAgainstAlzheimer’s, Experts Blast Medicare’s Plan for Aduhelm

A recent proposal to limit Medicare coverage for Aduhelm (aducanumab) and similar medicines to Alzheimer’s disease patients who are enrolled in clinical trials ignores current science and would drastically curtail access these therapies, UsAgainstAlzheimer’s argues. UsAgainstAlzheimer’s (UsA2), based in Washington, D.C., is founded by family members of people affecting by…

FDA Puts Full Hold on Clinical Testing of Cortexyme’s COR388

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has placed a full clinical hold on COR388 (atuzaginstat), an investigational oral therapy Cortexyme is developing for Alzheimer’s disease and now cancer. The decision means that Cortexyme will not be allowed to conduct in-person testing of COR388 until further notice. The company…

Stroke Therapy Candidate 3K3A-APC Holds Promise for Dementia

3K3A-APC, an investigational therapy for stroke about to enter Phase 3 clinical testing, may also help to protect the brain against Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. “Our recent and current data support development of 3K3A-APC for neurological conditions associated with cognitive dysfunction such as Alzheimer’s disease and…