
After Her Big Decision, Mom Just Lets the Good Times Roll

When my mom was diagnosed with terminal uterine cancer, she was displeased to say the least. Being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease just after witnessing her mother pass away from the terrifying disease in 2014 did not exactly bring out the sunshine, either. But she suddenly saw…

Tips to Help Loved Ones Face an Alzheimer’s Diagnosis

The Alzheimer’s Association estimates that nearly 5.8 million people in the United States have the condition. Most people who are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease are 65 or older, but the disease is found across all age groups, including 200,000 with an early-onset diagnosis. The adage that “there’s safety…

Treading Dark Waters

Alzheimer’s disease is cruel. And its cruelty is unparalleled, robbing patients and stripping entire families of what they hold dearest. Definite characteristics are associated with this mind-altering condition, one of which is an unfortunate outcome. But if you’re in the throes of the disease, you already know this. I…

Music and Laughter Are Strong Medicine Against Dementia

When my 67-year-old mother was diagnosed with stage 4 uterine cancer I was devastated. My mother already was disabled from depression and fibromyalgia, so being diagnosed a few months later with Alzheimer’s disease along with terminal cancer seemed like a cruel joke. Soon after I learned of the diagnosis, Mom…