Alzheimer’s Association, N.Y. Chapter of Sorority to Jointly Publicize Disease During Black History Month

The Alzheimer’s Association – New York City Chapter will collaborate with the Delta Rho Omega chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority in February to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s disease during Black History Month.
The collaboration aims to highlight the prevalence of Alzheimer’s in the African-American community, and involves campus officials and sorority alumni through local community outreach efforts. This includes participation in The Longest Day, a hallmark event of the Alzheimer’s Association.
“African-Americans are twice as likely as whites to develop Alzheimer’s and other dementias. However, they are less likely to be diagnosed, or diagnosed at a much later stage,” Victoria W. Thomas, president of Delta Rho Omega, said in a press release. “This partnership will help the association better connect African-Americans with important Alzheimer’s information and support.”
Alpha Kappa Alpha was founded at Howard University in Washington, D.C., in 1908. It’s the oldest Greek-letter sorority catering to black college-educated women. Its Delta Rho Omega chapter was chartered in 1947 in Brooklyn, and engages in several local philanthropic initiatives to benefit children, the elderly, the homeless and others in need.
“The Alzheimer’s Association is proud to be working with Delta Rho Omega chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha to better reach, educate and engage the African-American community in resources,” said the association’s executive director, Christopher Smith. “This partnership will connect the African-American community in New York City to free education, care, support, research and advocacy programs that are so important for individuals and families impacted by Alzheimer’s disease.”
The Longest Day fundraising event will take place June 21, and features local participation in card and board games, cookout parties, bowling, golfing, yoga, fishing, gardening, dancing and other community activities.