NYU Langone Researchers Present Several New Findings at 2015 Alzheimer’s Association Conference

The NYU Langone Alzheimer’s Disease Center is composed of the Center for Cognitive Neurology, Center for Brain Health and the Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center.
Researchers at NYU focus primarily on Alzheimer’s disease, but also on other neurodegenerative conditions. According to a center press release “The focus is on improving the understanding and treatment of diseases and injuries to the nervous system. Neurologists and neuroscientists conduct research in the risks, predictors, prevention, diagnostic tests and potential treatments for Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Lewy Body dementia (LBD), vascular dementia, prion disease, mild cognitive impairment, and other related conditions, and have expertise in evaluating, diagnosing and treating individuals with brain conditions that affect memory and/or thinking (cognition).”
The scientists gave both oral and poster presentations. Topics included studies of monoclonal antibodies as treatments for neurodegenerative diseases, a study of online training for dementia caregivers, a study of a care management program for AD patients, targeting mitochondria as a treatment for AD, associations of slow-wave sleep with beta-amyloid accumulation in AD as well as an examination of cardiovascular risk factors and AD. The focus encompassed general science as well as the clinical treatment and care of neurodegenerative diseases.
A list of the presentations can be found below:
Abstract # 5364: “Monoclonal Antibodies that Recognize Oligomeric Tau and Aβ, also Recognize Pathological Structures in Parkinson’s disease Human Brains”
Abstract #5357: “Active vaccination of old Alzheimer’s Disease transgenic animals with oligomeric polymerized pBri and CpG ODN can reverse preexisting AD pathology”
Abstract #6325: “Efficacy of Internet-Based Training of Clinicians to Implement an Evidence-Based Intervention for Dementia Caregivers”
Abstract #1945: ” Effects of a Comprehensive, Individualized Person Centered Management Program on Persons with Moderately Severe Alzheimer’s Disease (AD): A Randomized Controlled Trial: Comprehensive Study Findings”
Abstract #3725: “Toll-like Receptor 9 Stimulation Via CpG ODN in a Non-Human Primate Model of Sporadic Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy”
Abstract # 6067: “Methazolamide Protects Neuronal and Glial Cells from Amyloid Toxicity in Vitro and in Vivo Via Mitochondria-Mediated Mechanisms.”
Abstract # 6198: “CSF AB42 Levels May Increase Due to Age-Dependent Slow-Wave Sleep Loss Prior to Amyloid Deposition in Humans.”
Abstract #6212: “Effects of Vascular Risk Factors and Medications on PiB Deposition in Cognitively Normal Subjects”
Full copies of the presentations, abstract and posters are available from media. through contact with Ryan Jaslow, [email protected], 212-404-3511.