Maureen Newman,  —

Maureen Newman is a science columnist for Pulmonary Hypertension News. She is currently a PhD student studying biomedical engineering at University of Rochester, working towards a career of research in biomaterials for drug delivery and regenerative medicine. She is an integral part of Dr. Danielle Benoit's laboratory, where she is investigating bone-homing therapeutics for osteoporosis treatment.

Articles by Maureen Newman

miRNAs in Exosomes May Serve as Basis for New Alzheimer Diagnostic Tests

As a disease that is best detected and treated early after onset, Alzheimer disease is characterized by a variety of aberrantly regulated proteins and molecules, which once identified can be used as biomarkers for disease and integrated into Alzheimer’s diagnostic tests. New research at the University of Illinois at Chicago by co-authors Dr.

Nitric Oxide Flips a Switch in Alzheimer’s Disease

Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) are looking to flip the molecular switch for inflammatory diseases such as Alzheimer’s to the “off” position. Masao Kaneki, MD, PhD, in the Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care, and Pain Medicine at MGH, discovered that nitric oxide acts on the protein SIRT1, leading…

Brain Cognition Improves Following Bariatric Surgery

Although obese individuals are at a 35% higher risk for Alzheimer’s disease than healthy-weight individuals, it might be possible to reduce the risk by losing weight through bariatric surgery. “Changes in Brain After Bariactric Surgery,” published in Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism…

National Plans Announced to Study FTD Along with Alzheimer’s Disease

Individuals with frontotemporal degeneration (FTD) may soon benefit from research priorities directed toward curing Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. The Association of Frontotemporal Degeneration (AFTD) broke word of plans to formally include FTD in national research priorities by the year 2025. According to AFTD Executive Director Susan…

Low Vitamin D Increases Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease

Vitamin D, known as the sunshine vitamin due to its mechanism of production in the body, is usually associated with calcium absorption and bone health, but researchers are finding that vitamin D is strongly linked to the risk for Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Dr. David Llewellyn, from the University…