
Tough Love Helps Protect Loved Ones with Alzheimer’s

Loss accompanies Alzheimer’s disease and may create animosity between a caregiver and the person receiving care. A parent or spouse receiving care may become frustrated with their loss of independence, creating an uncomfortable atmosphere that lands resentment squarely upon the caregiver. Adult children who care for aging parents often…

Alzheimer’s Disease, Clinical Trials, and You

The Alzheimer’s Association cites recruitment for clinical trials, and then retaining those recruits, as one of the greatest obstacles to Alzheimer’s research. Without participants, it is very difficult to find effective treatments. The lack of willing participants is second only to funding for Alzheimer’s research. Clinical studies are key.

Dementia Patients Have a Greater Risk of Contracting COVID-19

We’re continually faced with news about COVID-19. It’s impossible to open a newspaper, read a magazine, or watch television without being bombarded with news and pertinent information about the virus and how it will affect the public. I apologize in advance for throwing more virus information at you, but a…

Seniors Lack Easy Access to Important Health Information

I have a bone to pick with someone, though I am not certain with whom. We must do a better job at reaching the senior population with information that specifically concerns their demographic. The internet is a great tool, even essential, but approximately 27% of adults 65 and older say…