
Failure of Immunotherapy in Alzheimer’s Clinical Trials May Be Due to Presence of Another Form of Dementia

Immunotherapy for Alzheimer’s disease may not provide a clinical benefit in patients that also developed vascular cognitive impairment and dementia (VCID), another form of dementia, according to a new study. The study, “Reduced Efficacy of Anti-Aβ Immunotherapy in a Mouse Model of Amyloid Deposition and Vascular Cognitive Impairment Comorbidity,”…

vTv Therapeutics to Detail Potential Alzheimer’s Treatment, Now in Phase 3 Study, at Meeting Today

Larry Altstiel, MD, PhD, chief medical officer of vTv Therapeutics, will speak today on the panel “Novel Approaches to Alzheimer’s Disease,” during the Neuro Advance Boston conference hosted by Harvard Medical School. Altstiel will detail the mechanisms of action of azeliragon, vTv Therapeutics’ investigative treatment for mild Alzheimer’s disease…

Potential Alzheimer’s Treatments in Growing Number of Phase 2 and Phase 3 Studies, Group Reports

The number of clinical trials evaluating possible treatments for Alzheimer’s disease is on the increase, according to a recent analysis conducted by ResearchersAgainstAlzheimer’s (RA2), a global network of Alzheimer’s researchers that is part of a non-profit organization promoting the study and treatment of this disease, called UsAgainstAlzheimer’s. The…

Alzheimer’s Summit Looks at Latest Research and Disease’s Impact on Minorities, Women and Caregivers

UsAgainstAlzheimer’s hosted the 2016 National Alzheimer’s Summit on Sept. 27–29, bringing together members of the U.S. Congress, scientific researchers, industry leaders, and people living with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) to press for greater investment in Alzheimer’s research, improvements in healthcare, and greater efforts to ease socioeconomic and cultural…