
Nationwide Study Shows Resveratrol Impacts Alzheimer’s Biomarker

Results from the largest nationwide study investigating long-term high-dose resveratrol in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease (AD) showed that a specific a biomarker that declines with disease progression was stabilized in patients who received resveratrol in its purified form. The results, published online in Neurology,…

Monocytes in Human Umbilical Cord Blood Improve Alzheimer’s Cognitive Deficits

In a new study entitled “Human umbilical cord blood-derived monocytes improve cognitive deficits and reduce ß-amyloid pathology in PSAPP mice” an international team of scientists showed that infusion of human umbilical cord blood cells (HUCBCs) into a mice model of Alzheimer’s disease improves animals’ cognitive performance by clearing amyloid-beta (Aβ)…

Apolipoprotein E2 May Act as a Protective Shield in Alzheimer’s

In a new study entitled “Human ApoE Isoforms Differentially Modulate Glucose and Amyloid Metabolic Pathways in Female Brain: Evidence of the Mechanism of Neuroprotection by ApoE2 and Implications for Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention and Early Intervention” researchers reported a breakthrough discovery when they showed ApoE2 human protein is a…

Researchers Find Novel Drug Promising For Alzheimer’s Disease

New research presented during the 14th International Conference on Endothelin: Physiology, Pathophysiology and Therapeutics, focused on the effects of IRL-1620 in a rat model of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The compound, which acts on the endothelin B (ETB) receptor, reduced learning and memory deficits and oxidative stress in the animals, showing potential as an AD…

Type 2 Diabetes May Contribute Towards Dementia Development

In a newly published paper in the Neurology journal entitled “Type 2 diabetes mellitus and biomarkers of neurodegeneration”, scientists from Australia found that neurodegenerative disease related dementia could be linked to type 2 diabetes. Neurodegenerative disorders occur as a consequence of a progressive loss of structure/function…