
Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study, Biohaven Jointly Launch Clinical Trial for Trigriluzole

Biohaven and the Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study (ADCS) have jointly launched a Phase 2 clinical trial for the investigational drug trigriluzole, a glutamate modulating candidate that could potentially improve symptoms in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease. Preclinical studies and post-mortem human Alzheimer’s studies suggest that abnormalities in the…

People at Risk for Alzheimer’s Wanted for Major Study Testing Possible Preventive Therapies

Older people — ages 60 to 75 — in good cognitive health but with two copies of the “risk gene” for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) are being asked to take part in Generation Study, a collaborative and global research project investigating treatments that might stop the disease from developing. Two copies of the APOE4 gene are inherited, one from…

Infection by Parasite Could Be Linked to Development of Alzheimer’s, Study Reports

Researchers have found a connection between an infection with the parasite Toxoplasma gondii and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. The study, “Toxoplasma Modulates Signature Pathways of Human Epilepsy, Neurodegeneration & Cancer,” was published in the journal Nature. One of the major challenges in medicine today is finding a cure for non-contagious diseases…

Link Between Lysosomes and Granulins in Brain Cells May Aid Understanding of Alzheimer’s

Researchers developed antibodies targeting a group of proteins called granulins, and discovered for the first time that they’re important to the well-being of lysosomes, which are vital organelles linked to neurodegenerative diseases that include Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD). This discovery, by a research team at Emory University School of…

Two Additional Amino Acids in Toxic Protein Sequence Form Resilient Alzheimer’s Plaques, Study Shows

Researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) have found that the presence of two additional amino acids in the amyloid beta (Aβ) protein sequence forms the basis of amyloid plaque formation and Alzheimer’s disease development. Their study, “Few Ramachandran Angle Changes Provide Interaction Strength Increase in Aβ42 versus Aβ40 Amyloid Fibrils,” appeared…

Alzheimer’s Breakthrough Team to Compete for XPrize Launch of Effort for Early Detection

More 100 neurologists, other scientists and disease advocates are supporting the Alzheimer’s Breakthrough team in its goal of getting “launched” at next month’s XPRIZE summit. Their effort centers on crowdsourcing, attracting a worldwide spectrum of experts and innovators to develop new technologies focused on brain health. These technologies encompass artificial intelligence, biotechnology, precision pharmaceuticals, physics…