
Enzyme Slices Off Protein Chunks That End up Toxic, Contributing to Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, Study Reports

An enzyme called asparagine endopeptidase contributes to Parkinson’s as well as Alzheimer’s by slicing off fragments of proteins that end up being toxic, a study reports. Previous researched showed that the enzyme, also known as AEP, plays a role in Alzheimer’s. The new study indicates it plays a role in Parkinson’s,…

Araclon Begins Phase 2 Trial of Vaccine for Alzheimer’s Disease

Araclon Biotech is launching a Phase 2 clinical trial evaluating its active immunotherapy, or vaccine, ABvac40 for Alzheimer’s disease, after receiving approval from the Spanish Agency of Medicinal Products and Medical Devices. The multi-center trial will include 22 European clinical facilities (18 centers in Spain, two in France, one in Sweden…

Verdict Is Still Out on Whether Diets, Exercise and Cognitive-promoting Games Can Help Prevent Dementia, Report Says

Various studies have contended that diets, supplements, exercise regimens, and games aimed at promoting cognitive function can help prevent Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias. But experts from a respected non-government-affiliated American scientific organization say there isn’t enough evidence supporting these approaches to mount a public-education campaign that promotes them. The judgment…