Social Clips

The Seven Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease

We’re all familiar with Alzheimer’s disease — it’s the disease that robs us of our loved ones and robs the ones we love of their experiences. But did you know that there are seven stages of Alzheimer’s disease? By knowing the stages and the signs, we can help our…

6 Known Risk Factors for Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia that mainly strikes older people, although it can occasionally strike people in their 40s and 50s. While no one cause has been determined, researchers have identified certain factors which may put people at a higher risk of developing the disease. According to the…

Busting Popular Myths About Depression

This video from Big Think deals with some of the common myths surrounding depression. MORE: A study determines the link between depression and Alzheimer’s disease.  Dr. Patricia Deldin from the University of Michigan Depression Center explains exactly what depression is and what it isn’t. Deldin shares that depression is an…

How Light Therapy Can Help Alzheimer’s Disease Patients

In this Breakfast Television video, Stella Aquisto talks about the use of light therapy to treat Alzheimer’s disease patients. MORE: Find out about the use of music therapy for patients with Alzheimer’s disease.  Aquisto explains a 12-week study that showed Alzheimer’s patients who underwent light therapy…