Social Clips

6 Tips to Reduce Stress and Help You Relax

Everyone suffers from stress from time to time but when you have a chronic disease, stress not only adds to your everyday burden but can often exacerbate the symptoms of your condition. While we can’t avoid stress altogether, there are ways that we help ourselves relax more and not let things…

What Does Dementia Feel Like?

This informative and moving video from Social Care Institute for Excellence explains some of the things a person with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease experiences on a daily basis. We’re taken through an average day through the eyes of a dementia patient and listen as she details her confusion and trains of thought.

6 Foods That Can Help You Fight a Cold or Flu

Winter is a perilous time if you have a compromised immune system, but you can’t stay alone inside for four months. You have to get on with your daily life, and just hope you don’t succumb to other people’s bugs and illnesses. However, there are some foods that can help you avoid catching a cold…

14 Invisible Illnesses You May Not Know About

Invisible illnesses are conditions patients have that are not obvious when looking at them. Often people with an invisible illness face a lot of prejudice; others accuse them of faking, lying or exaggerating their illness. People just don’t fully understand what patients with invisible illnesses are going through.

10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

Elder Rage is Jacqueline Marcell’s tribute to her parents, and the struggles she and they went through before the couple was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. She wrote the book to help guide others in a similar situation. Marcell also put together this list of 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s. She recommends that people…

How Alzheimer’s Disease Can Affect Your Communication Skills

As Alzheimer’s disease progresses, communicating starts to become a problem. This Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resources film focuses on how communication skills are affected by Alzheimer’s disease and how we can help patients who are struggling. Understand how Alzheimer’s disease affects the brain here. The video offers practical…

These Brain Exercises May Slow Down Alzheimer’s Disease

In this CBN News video, neurologist Dr. Andre Fredieu from the Carrick Brain Center talks about brain exercises that have been found to help patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Explore the brain to uncover the secrets of Alzheimer’s disease.  The center reports successful stories of many Alzheimer’s patients who have…