Pilot Study on MEND for Cognitive Decline to Be Presented at AAIC 2016

North Carolina-based Muses Labs will show its latest technology and services July 24-28 at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) 2016 in Toronto, Canada.
Expected to spur most interest is a presentation by the company’s chief technology officer, John Q. Walker — results from a pilot study of the MEND Protocol, a personalized procedure used to halt, or possibly improve age-related cognitive decline.
MEND (Metabolic Enhancement for Neuro-Degeneration) builds on the idea that cognitive decline in the elderly can not be blamed on a single factor. While embracing the idea that dementia development is likely influenced by a multitude of factors such as metabolic issues, toxicity, inflammation, and mitochondrial damage, Muses Labs also acknowledges that issues might differ between individuals.
Using a health management software to implement MEND allows physicians to get a clearer picture of how to treat each patient; algorithms suggest the optimal treatment. According to the company, the protocol can be applied to people at risk for dementia, those beginning to show symptoms of cognitive decline, and people with mild Alzheimer’s disease.
The pilot study involves 125 patients with cognitive decline who have had their genome, blood, medical history and lifestyle assessed by the software. Among the patients who completed at least two rounds of protocols over three or more months, tests indicated that more than 50 percent show improved cognitive abilities.
The method seems to be particularly effective for people with early symptoms; reports show that almost all patients had improved memory and lower levels of cognitive decline markers after treatment.
Walker’s presentation, “Initial Development, Application, and Results from a Clinical Informatics Platform that Enables a Multi-Modal Treatment Protocol for Alzheimer’s Disease,” will be held July 23 at the AAIC Technology and Dementia Preconference. Later during the conference, Walker will present a poster on clinical therapeutics.
“Currently available interventions used in personalized combinations let individuals with age-related cognitive decline have the potential to continue their independent and active lifestyles,” Walker said. Future research, involving larger groups and randomized clinical trials will further improve the technology, he added.