
Hormone Klotho Boosts Cognition in Mouse Models of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, Study Shows

The naturally occurring hormone klotho improved cognition in mouse models of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, according to a University of California medical center study. Researchers said the findings could lead to new therapies for the neurological disorders. The study that the team published in Cell Reports was titled “Peripheral Elevation of a Klotho…

Study on Differing Brain Activity Levels in Men, Women Has Implications for Alzheimer’s Research

A functional brain imaging study led by scientists at the Amen Clinics in Newport Beach, California, has qualified differences between women’s and men’s brains with relevant findings for Alzheimer’s disease research. The study, “Gender-Based Cerebral Perfusion Differences in 46,034 Functional Neuroimaging Scans,” appeared in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. Understanding…

Inhibiting HDAC2 Enzyme May Stop Memory Loss

A research team from MIT has found a way to reverse memory loss in mice, which may lead to new treatments for patients with Alzheimer’s disease. The findings were reported in a study titled “The Transcription Factor Sp3 Cooperates with HDAC2 to Regulate Synaptic Function and Plasticity in Neurons”…