
Alzheimer’s Development Captured Using PET, MRI Imaging

In a recent study entitled “Longitudinal PET-MRI reveals β-amyloid deposition and rCBF dynamics and connects vascular amyloidosis to quantitative loss of perfusion” the authors developed a new imaging protocol that allows detection and examination of Alzheimer’s Disease typical beta-amyloid plaques. The study was published in the online issue of…

Nitric Oxide Flips a Switch in Alzheimer’s Disease

Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) are looking to flip the molecular switch for inflammatory diseases such as Alzheimer’s to the “off” position. Masao Kaneki, MD, PhD, in the Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care, and Pain Medicine at MGH, discovered that nitric oxide acts on the protein SIRT1, leading…

New Study Uncovers Insights Into Brain Aging, Neurogenererative Diseases, such as Alzheimer’s

A study entitled “A Chaperome Subnetwork Safeguards Proteostasis in Aging and Neurodegenerative Disease” recently published in the journal Cell Reports, identifies a subset of chaperones that protect protein-correct folding in aging brains and neurogenererative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s. In this study, a team of scientists at Proteostasis Therapeutics,…

Brain Research Needs To Be Better Supported, Experts Say

In a special issue of the Cell Press journal Neuron, experts debated the challenges associated with “translational neuroscience,” and the efforts that should be made to commercialize advances made in the laboratory so that patients can benefit from them. Despite the major advances that science is making in understanding…